Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I often question if BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder. Or does society influence cultures to accept its perception of beauty? Do most human beings recognize beauty with their eyes or do we submit into our mind societies standard of beauty?

We see stick thin models (starving themselves to death) making 7 figure salaries grace the cover of well known magazines. They are all over the media including television, newspaper, internet, etc. We also see curvaceos women in music videos and magazines exploiting themselves wearing revealing clothing for attire. When we view this, do we actually see beauty? Or is American society dictating to viewers the ideal of beauty.

The popular phrases Beauty is only skin deep or Beauty comes from within typically define beauty based on the attribites a person possess, not physical appearnace.
The phrases concentrate soley on the things that make a person more appealing other than physical appearance. This may consist of measuring the level of caring and giving, a person heart & soul, inspiration & dedication, loyalty and etc.

One may argue these phrases stating there has to be an inital attraction (being physical appearance) to intrigue someone's interest. Once this interest is established, individuals then focus on the inner beauty.

Do anyone have a similar or different opinion on this topic?

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